Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Master Rankings


1. Final Fantasy 10
2. Final Fantasy 10-2
3. Lightning Returns: FF13
4. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
5. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
6. Final Fantasy 13-2
7. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
8. Final Fantasy 13
9. Forgotten World
10. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights


1. Final Fantasy 10
2. Lightning Returns: FF13
3. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
4. Final Fantasy 10-2
5. Final Fantasy 13
6. Final Fantasy 13-2
7. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
8. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
9. Forgotten World
10. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights


1. Final Fantasy 10
2. Lightning Returns: FF13
3. Final Fantasy 13
4. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
5. Final Fantasy 13-2
6. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
7. Final Fantasy 10-2
8. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
9. Forgotten World
10. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights

End Game-

1. Lightning Returns: FF13
2. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
3. Final Fantasy 10-2
4. Final Fantasy 10
5. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
6. Final Fantasy 13-2
7. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
8. Final Fantasy 13


1. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights
2. Forgotten World
3. Final Fantasy 13
4. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
5. Final Fantasy 10-2
6. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
7. Final Fantasy 13-2
8. Lightning Returns: FF13
9. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
10. Final Fantasy 10


1. Final Fantasy 10
2. Lightning Returns: FF13
3. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
4. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
5. Final Fantasy 10-2
6. Final Fantasy 13-2
7. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
8. Final Fantasy 13
9. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights
10. Forgotten World


1. Final Fantasy 13-2
2. Final Fantasy 13
3. Final Fantasy 10-2
4. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
5. Final Fantasy 10
6. Lightning Returns: FF13
7. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights
8. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
9. Treasures of the Savage Frontier


1. Lightning Returns: FF13
2. Final Fantasy 13
3. Final Fantasy 10
4. Final Fantasy 13-2
5. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
6. Final Fantasy 10-2
7. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
8. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
9. Forgotten World
10. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights

Best Villain-

1. Lumina (LR:FF13)
2. Yunalesca (FF10)
3. Barthandelus (FF13)
4. Gilgamesh (FF13-2)
5. Pazuzu (FFMQ)
6. Freezefire (TotSF)
7. Shuyin (FF10-2)
8. Broadhand (GttSF)
9. Evil Necromancer (F:NWN)
10. Kobold (FW)

Worst Villain-

1. Yu Yevon (FF10)
2. Alyssa Zaidelle (FF13-2)
3. Leblanc (FF10-2)
4. Vaalgamon (GttSF)
5. Jihl Nabaat (FF13)
6. Asshole Soldier (TotSF)
7. Caius Ballad (LR:FF13)
8. Angry Old Pirate (F:NWN)
9. Thieve's Guild Guard (FW)
10. Dark King (FFMQ)

Best Ally-

1. Mog (FF13-2)
2. Auron (FF10)
3. Sazh Katzroy (FF13)
4. Rikku (FF10-2)
5. Ougo the Strange (TotSF)
6. Krevish (GttSF)
7. The Angel of Valhalla (LR:FF13)
8. Kaeli (FFMQ)
9. Centaur (FW)
10. Stoned Guy (F:NWN)

Worst Ally-

1. Hope Estheim (FF13)
2. Dona (FF10)
3. Beclam (FF10-2)
4. Chocolina (FF13-2)
5. "Hope Estheim" (LR:FF13)
6. Jabarkas (TotSF)
7. Jagaerda (GttSF)
8. Father Bartholomew (FW)
9. Lord Nasher (F:NWN)
10. Tristan (FFMQ)

Best Enemy-

1. Bhunivelze (LR:FF13)
2. Yojimbo (FF10)
3. Freezefire (TotSF)
4. Dahaka (FF13)
5. Angra Mainyu (FF10-2)
6. Jihl Nabaat (FF13-2)
7. Wolf in Sheep's Shop (FW)
8. Dullahan (FFMQ)
9. Zhentil Fighter (GttSF)
10. Crocodile (F:NWN)

Worst Enemy-

1. Gilgamesh (FF13-2)
2. Mages (TotSF)
3. Cid Raines (FF13)
4. Shambling Mound (GttSF)
5. Meonekton (LR:FF13)
6. Mammoth (F:NWN)
7. Lamia (FFMQ)
8. Guado (FF10)
9. Claret Dragon (FF10-2)
10. Tree Man (FW)

Best Mini-Game/Puzzle-

1. Blitzball (FF10)
2. Falling in Love (TotSF)
3. Kraken Code (GttSF)
4. Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (FF10-2)
5. Hold 'Em (FF13-2)
6. Bakti (FF13)
7. Pushin' Pillars (FFMQ)

Worst Mini-Game/Puzzle-

1. Slot Machine (FF13-2)
2. Lightning Dodging (FF10)
3. Spherebreak (FF10-2)
4. Mirror Map (GttSF)
5. Hide-n-Seek (FF13)
6. Lucky Papers (TotSF)
7. Tower Switches (FFMQ)

Side Quests-

1. Lightning Returns: FF13
2. Final Fantasy 10-2
3. Final Fantasy 13-2
4. Final Fantasy 10
5. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
6. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
7. Final Fantasy 13
8. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest


1. Lightning Returns: FF13
2. Final Fantasy 10
3. Gateway to the Savage Frontier
4. Final Fantasy 10-2
5. Final Fantasy 13-2
6. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
7. Treasures of the Savage Frontier
8. Final Fantasy 13
9. Forgotten World
10. FRUA: Neverwinter Nights


  1. Its been awhile, I do hope you're planning on returning to the blog at some point, I have been enjoying it so far.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! I definitely intend to. I got back in to Magic: The Gathering recently, and that obsession has been taking most of my free time, but this blog needs to become a priority again.
