Tonight I take you back to Spira, where Tidus is settling in to his new found position as a guardian for summoner Yuna. Having prayed at Kilika temple, the group now sets sail for Luca, a large city which holds the stadium that draws people from all over Spira for it's spectacle of blitz ball.
Arriving at Luca's port, the guardians found the city to be exploding with activity, thanks to the upcoming tournament. Each team was announced in turn as they arrived. Tidus's new team, the Besaid Aurochs, were quickly passed over, as they had never won a match in all their years of existence.
The defending champion, the Luca Goers, received much of the attention and admiration of the fans and announcers. Not being able to stand all of the hype being heaped on the Goers, Tidus grabbed a megaphone from a nearby announcer. Climbing on to the top of some cargo boxes he made a bit of a scene, yelling "Not so fast Goers! This year the Aurochs are going to take the cup!" This got laughs and jeers from bystanders. The scene did make it on the "sphere", where the public could watch, and made certain that at the least, the Aurochs would be talked about going into the match.
The tournament to follow was one for the ages. The Auroch's, even without the help of Tidus, were able to win their first contest ever, moving on to the finals.
During the ship ride from Kilika, Tidus had done some practicing. Remembering his childhood, he felt bitterness over the ridicule of his father. It had been holding him back, preventing him from reaching his full potential. Tidus trained hard, focusing to put the negativity of his father Jecht behind him, and was able to perform a powerful shot that was his father's signature move. The "Magnificently Sublime Jecht Shot Mark III," he had called it. However, the key, according to Jecht, was that there was no Mark I and II, however, people would still come back night after night, hoping to see Mark I and II.
Thanks mainly to the Jecht Shot, which could knock away two defenders with a power hit to the face, Tidus led the Aurochs to a 3-0 victory over the Goers in the finals.
As Wakka and Tidus relaxed and took in the moment, drifting about the stadium's sphere pool, chaos erupted. Fiends had broken into the stadium. Fiends that were numerous, large, and powerful. Auron, who had taken Tidus to Sin in Zanarkand, appeared somewhat mysteriously to help fight.
The day would be saved by another somewhat mysterious fellow, one Maester Seymour. The Maesters are the leaders of the Yevon clergy, and thus possibly the most powerful folks in Spira. Seymour was a summoner, like Yuna, and summoned his massive, chain bearing aeon to destroy the fiends.
No doubt the events of the day had taken it's toll on Tidus. Just as he and Wakka led the Aurochs to their first match and tournament victories, and mass of fiends attacked. However, their was no respite, as Auron revealed a truth to Tidus alone, that Sin was in fact, Jecht.
Will things ever slow down for Tidus and his companions? Despite how unlikely it may seem, could Sin really be Tidus's father? Come back again soon, for This Bard's Tales!