After recovering a sphere at the Kilika temple, the Gullwings were a bit careless, and found themselves burgled. The culprit was none other than the Leblanc Syndicate! Sneaking aboard the Celsius, the syndicate stole the partial sphere the Gullwings had found on Besaid Island. The dastardly Leblanc left a large pink sphere behind to gloat.
The syndicate had holed up in the palace in Gaudosalam, which the Guado had abandoned. Leblanc's goons guarded the entry way, so the Gullwings devised a plan. They would find disguises, "liberating" uniforms from Syndicate goons. It didn't take long in Guadosalam to find out where the goons were operating throughout Spira, the syndicate not being too concerned about secrecy. The trio set about their "liberation", defeating goons at a hot spring on Gagazet, an oasis on Bikanel, and on the Djose Highroad. With their newly acquired gear, the Syndicate HQ awaited.
Yuna, in disguise. |
The Gullwings immediately found out that "The Boss", as Leblanc was known, was in a foul mood, and thus in need of a back massage. Unfortunately for her, Yuna was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the duty fell to her.
After a short while, Yuna was surprised to find that her amateur massage skills had lulled Leblanc into slumber. Perhaps she had a natural talent, she mused out loud. With Leblanc taken care of, the fresh "goons" were then sent to inspect a switch in the great hall, which opened a secret door, leading to the rooms of the syndicate's strong arms. The Gullwings explored the rooms of Logos and Ormi, then found a storage room with the Leblanc Syndicate's sphere wave sensor, and the partial sphere that was stolen from them!
Ormi's room. The Leblanc syndicate love's their fluffy cushions and ornate trappings. |
The partial sphere was accompanied by... another partial sphere. Making one whole sphere! The sphere depicted a massive machina, which looked very threatening, that appeared to be located underneath Bevelle. However, as the Gullwings were messing with the sphere halves, the syndicate hotheads showed up, led by Leblanc. The Gulls quickly knocked them down with a one-two punch, and a roundhouse kick, then watched the sphere. After all the fighting, the Leblanc Syndicate and the Gullwings agreed that they both wished to stop the massive doomsday machina Vegnagun, and thus were on the same side.
Their next destanation determined, the Gullwings began preparations to head to Bevelle, with the Leblanc Syndicate in tow. They went to face the massive, potentially world-ending foe, Vegnagun! To find out what happens, join us here again... at This Bard's Tales!