Happy Holidays to all from This Bard's Tales, and a Merry Christmas to those inclined to celebrate such things!
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I had a feeling Binging "Holiday Bard" would find something good. The source is a website for a mobile RPG called Silversword. On first glance, it looks kind of cool. |
The Heroes of Ascore were looking forward to the return to their somewhat nominal home, Yartar. It was nightfall as they reached the gates. Rain pattered heavily upon their oiled cloaks and hats. The reception was not warm, as one of the guards held out his hand, motioning for them to stop. "Halt!" he yelled.
The guard began to approach aggressively, however, he was cut off abruptly by another guard. "Don't you recognize them?" he said, "It's the Heroes of Ascore! Welcome to Yartar, it is an honor to have you here."
The Heroes let out a collective sigh of relief as the tension was diffused. They gratefully made their way through the growing mud, to the light and warmth of their old stomping grounds, The Tired Traveller. It was an apt descriptor.
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The Heroes get hassled a bit on their way into Yartar. |
It's always a little emotional coming back to Yartar, and as usual my first stop was the tavern, The Tired Traveller. The patrons were loudly complaining about the missing Waterbaron, and the evils of Triboar. Also as usual, I got in a brawl. Now, I clicked the "fight" button, but my characters aren't the type to start a fight. I assume they recommended caution; that Triboar wasn't at fault. More than a few took offense at this, assuming I was either a coward, or worse; a spy. I felt a little bad cutting down these lightly armed opponents.
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These guys do have balls, I have to give them that. |
The party was very grateful to find a vault here in Yartar, as they were heavily weighed down with treasure and the aforementioned "lucky papers." After speaking with the Waterbaron's son, on a hunch, they investigated where the Kraken base was in the first game. There was a secret door in the same spot where Krevish had taken us on that fateful day and... success! We cleared out a Kraken base. There were notes which listed the rumors they were to spread, but there was no sign of the Waterbaron.
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Comforting decor, if you find cuddling with Great Old Ones comforting. |
Some hideous monster turned Asrim to stone. I didn't record exactly what, but I believe it was a cockatrice. The party hauled their new, ultra-realistic piece of art to the Temple of Tymora in the square. They were surprised to be met by their old friend, Steve Nash! While he had gone to Waterdeep for training, when given the option, he enthusiastically asked to return to familiar Yartar. He hoped to run into his old travelling companions. After performing the healing ritual, they embraced, and Steve was introduced to the new party members. They all talked long into the night of recent events transpiring in the Realms.
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Steve Nash: he's grown up a bit, in a good way. |
The Three Rivers Festhall was the Heroes first stop the next day. This large tavern and event hall had previously been a front for the Kraken organization. Now it was a zany tourist trap, selling supposed Kraken artifacts. The sign out front boasted that "Kraken secrets and souvenirs from the battle of Ascore" were on display. Everyone was skeptical of the authenticity of the souvenirs being sold at the desk.
Inside, in a back room, they found some warriors perusing a map of Yartar suspiciously. The men drew their swords, but did not attack. Augustar was able to talk them down. They were agents from Triboar, who wished Yartar no ill will, and were attempting to find and free the Waterbaron. They asked that the party swear not to reveal their presence, or the agents would be killed. The party agreed it was for the best to keep this meeting a secret.
Now that Yartar had been fully searched, the next logical step was to explore Triboar. Despite Augustar and Avrilenne's discomfort at doing so, they were forced to lie to enter the gates of Triboar. The guards at the gate asked if they were from Yartar. They were turned away after telling the truth, despite protests to being on a diplomatic mission. Thankfully, after leaving and returning a day later, a new guard was on duty.
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The Heroes attempt to enter Triboar honestly. |
The Waterbaron was found behind a secret door, guarded by an Axis of Evil army. I wrote in my notes, "I'm remembering why I like the low-level games better... Nothing is fun about facing a room full of guys who can cast lightning bolt. I won the battle on the third try, which I guess isn't that bad, but it felt like it. It felt less like strategy, and more like depending on luck." After this, I made sure to cast minor globe of invulnerability before going into potential magic battles, which helped. I'm still trying to find the right balance of when to cast preparatory spells, or "buffs". It seems ridiculous to cast all of your spells every time you enter a door, but it is equally ridiculous to go into a 15 minute battle, lose because you didn't buff, and reload. I've always struggled with this balance in D&D derived RPGs. I like when they give you some kind of warning that a big battle is coming up. Sometimes the map itself is a clue, but it was very difficult to strike a balance in Treasures.
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The game is very good at creating a believable, dynamic world, with the way folks recognize you, and react to your successes. |
Part of the reason the above battle was so tough, is I couldn't blast the damn Hosttower mages until I had defeated either a Kraken or Zhentil Lord. My reward for my efforts was the blue crystal.
The Heroes of Ascore immediately marched the Waterbaron through town to the Lord Protector of Triboar. It turned out the two were old friends, in the way that only bitter rivals can be. The leader of Triboar was quite relieved to find out the whole ordeal was an evil plot instead of a true act of war. He organized an escort back to Yartar for the also relieved Waterbaron.
The Heroes of Ascore slowly awoke as the rays of the sun began peaking through their windows. The companions were in an elegantly furnished guest quarters, having been invited by the Waterbaron himself to stay in his home. Aria was soon agitated, "Where's Marcus?" she asked, "His things, are still here."
"Don't get too worried, perhaps he felt nature's call," suggested Chode Hammer.
"Indeed I did feel the call of nature, but not as you say," Marcus was there, standing in the open door.
He looked different, standing regally, but wearing a plain brown rope; wrapped in a large cloak of the same material. "I am sorry I did not notify you, but you were all sleeping soundly. In the night, I felt the call of my goddess once again. I followed her voice to the fields outside of town. Under the light of the moon, she asked me to change my path, to accept her grace and become a cleric. I have, of course, accepted," he bowed as he finished.
"Well! I think a celebration is in order!" said Chode, as he clapped Marcus on the back.
Marcus looked a little embarrassed, but nodded.
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Chauntae Davies. About as close as you can get without being Chauntea. I could see the Forgotton Realms deity looking like this. |
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